Scrape Google Search Results Consistently – Even with JavaScript

Collect SERP Data in a Few Clicks

Get automatic updates on the latest SERP data to improve your SEO strategies, build custom tools, and populate dashboards.

No credit card required.

Data Pipeline
Collect SERP data with ScraperAPI

Join the 10,000+ data-focused companies using ScraperAPI

What SERP Data Would You Like to Collect Today?

Gather keyword positions, search results, jobs, and news from Google Search results

Track keyword positions in near real-time to identify ranking shifts and measure your SEO campaign performance with 1st-party data.

Where to start? Create a new DataPipeline project and select the Google Search template to automate keyword tracking in a couple of clicks.

Google search template in DataPipeline

Collect SERP data from your brand name and branded keywords, and discover what the web is writing about you and your products.

Where to start? Use our Google News endpoint to turn Google News result pages into ready-to-use JSON data.

JSON response
    "articles": [
            "source": "MarketWatch",
            "thumbnail": "",
            "title": "Asana Review 2024 (Pricing, Pros and Cons)",
            "description": "Learn the pros and cons of Asana software in our comprehensive review. \nUnderstand pricing, features, integrations and how Asana helps agile...",
            "date": "6 days ago",
            "link": ""
        }, MORE DATA...

Spot your top SERP competitors across thousands of keywords.

Where to start? Try our Google SERP endpoint to extract search results – including its features like ads and “people also ask” boxes – in structured JSON format.

json response
        ...MORE DATA
            "position": 2,
            "title": "How to Write a Book: Complete Step-by-Step Guide - 2024",
            "snippet": "Mar 2, 2022 \u2014 A step-by-step guide can help new authors overcome the intimidating parts of writing a book, allowing them to stay focused and maximize\u00a0...",
            "highlighs": [
                "writing a book"
            "link": "",
            "displayed_link": " \u203a articles \u203a how-to-write-a..."
        }, MORE DATA...

Use our Google SERP endpoint to extract ad data from your target keywords. Plan ad campaigns or improve existing ones to outperform your competitors. You can use the endpoint by sending a get() request to the API or with DataPipeline with our ready-to-use template.


In the returned JSON data, you’ll find all ads inside the ads property.

json response
    "ads": [
            "position": 0,
            "block_position": "top",
            "title": "Ghostwriting & Publish Service | 50% Off@ Ghost Writing Service",
            "link": "",
            "displayed_link": " \u203a signup_now_for \u203a 50%_off_offer",
            "tracking_link": "",
            "description": "Fiction, Non Fiction, Autobiography, Screenplays or Business Reports, We do It All Here. Engaging, captivating, and top-tier Ghostwriting services at the most affordable price.We Provide Exceptional Biography Writing Services. Know More.Read Through the Information And Gain Insights On Books Editing.",
            "sitelinks": [
                    "site_title": "Biography Writing",
                    "site_link": "",
                    "site_description": "We Provide Exceptional Biography Writing Services. Know More."
                    "site_title": "Books Editing",
                    "site_link": "",
                    "site_description": "Read Through the Information And Gain Insights On Books Editing."
        }, MORE DATA...

Google shows different data based on where you are. Use our geotargeting feature to collect SERP data as locals would.


Where to start? After creating a Google Search project in DataPipeline, set the country and TLD to your preferred settings – you can also use geotargeting with our APIs.

Choosing country and TLD targets in DataPipeline

Advertising available jobs on Google is a best practice for any job board website or company site looking to attract more candidates.


Where to start? Use our Google Jobs endpoint to gather all available jobs for key positions.

json response
    "jobs_results": [
            "title": "Data Engineer",
            "company_name": "Vision Service Plan (VSP)",
            "location": "Anywhere",
            "link": ";jobs&q=data+engineering&htidocid=5YcWW_9sTWOhzz6XAAAAAA%3D%3D&hl=en-US&kgs=1f5697c317c4b532&shndl=-1&source=sh/x/im/textlists/detail/m1/1#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htiq=data+engineering&htidocid=5YcWW_9sTWOhzz6XAAAAAA%3D%3D",
            "via": "Virtual Vocations",
            "description": "A company is looking for a Data Engineer.\n\nKey Responsibilities...\n\u2022 Create and maintain data pipelines for key data and analytics capabilities\n\u2022 Collaborate with team to develop optimal data integration and transformation solutions\n\u2022 Build and maintain data pipelines using appropriate tools and practices\n\nRequired Qualifications:\n\u2022 Bachelor's degree in computer science, data science, statistics, economics, or related field\n\u2022 4+ years' experience in a development team providing analytical capabilities\n\u2022 4+ years of hands-on experience in data preparation, SQL, integration tools, ETL/ELT/data pipeline design\n\u2022 Experience with data integration platforms and data warehouse MPP platforms\n\u2022 Familiarity with event store and stream processing, API development platforms, and agile development environments",
            "extensions": [
                "Posted 5 days ago",
                "Work from home",
                "Employment Type Full-time"
        }, MORE DATA...

Gather Millions of Search Results Efficiently

Need more than 3M API credits a month?
Get in touch with our team of experts to get a custom plan that fits your goals, including +100 concurrent threads, an account manager, and premium support

Extract SERP Data Fast

Get structured JSON Data from Google Search

Get structured JSON data from our available Google endpoints with a simple API call.

Our endpoints are available across all our tools.

Auto Parsing​
Data Pipeline

Streamline SERP Data Collection with Low-Code

Using DataPipeline’s visual scheduler, you’ll be able to build entire scraping projects to convert SERP data from Google domains into JSON or CSV data.

Add the keywords you want to keep track of, set the intervals for data collection, and get a continuous flow of data right where you need it — in an app, folder, or email.


Monitor up to 10,000 queries or URLs per project in just a couple of clicks.

Get Unique SERP Insights

Dig deeper than surface-level SEO insights and get a 360-degree overview of SERPs continuously.


Set data collection intervals to track your competitors’ moves, and get organic and paid results in seconds.

ScraperAPI geotargeting

Get Localized SERP Data From Anywhere

With an extensive pool of premium proxy providers across 50+ countries, you can access SERPs in any country or region as local customers would.


Use ScraperAPI’s custom parameters to get a more granular view of local SERPs.


Geotargeting is included in all plans.

Add Fresh Data to Your SEO Tools and Reports

Developing a custom SEO tool or automating reports? Collect SERP data at custom intervals and get updates on traffic spikes without worrying about your IP getting blocked, handling CAPTCHAs, or parsing.


Connect data with your app or workflow with a simple webhook.

Structured Data
Async Scraper Service

Speed Up Turnaround on Large Web Scraping Projects

Achieve higher scraping speed with our Async Scraper:

Let us manage timeouts, retries, anti-scraping mechanisms and any other complexity, and focus on getting the insights you need.
IP locatations

40M IPs Around
the World

Uptime guarantee

Uptime Guarantee

Unlimited bandwith


Professional support


Use the Right Tool — Power Up Your Infrastructure or Go Low-Code

No matter the level of complexity, ScraperAPI is designed to fit any use case.


Integrate ScraperAPI to your existing infrastructure to improve the performance of your scrapers, achieve higher success rates, and increase scraping speed.

Automate your entire data pipeline at scale without writing a single line of code. Save on maintaining costly coding infrastructures and managing complex scrapers.

Handle millions of requests at a near 100% success rate with a simple Post() request. Scale your data collection for even the toughest domains.

SERP Data Uses Cases

Data is just the first step – Here are a few ideas you can explore in your business

Improve your search ad campaigns with 1st-party data.

Use geotargeting to explore localized search results to enter new markets.

Spot potential local customers by scraping Google Maps

What Our Customers
Are Saying

One of the most frustrating parts of automated web scraping is constantly dealing with IP blocks and CAPTCHAs. ScraperAPI gets this task off of your shoulders.

based on 50+ reviews


Simplify SERP Scraping with ScraperAPI

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/ month

Annual Hobby



/ month, billed annually




/ month

Annual Startup



/ month, billed annually




/ month

Annual Business



/ month, billed annually

Most popular




/ month

Need more than 3,000,000 API Credits with all premium features, premium support and an account manager?

Are you not sure what plan fits best for you? Or do you want to discuss the option of a custom plan? Contact our sales.

All plans come with

Working on large projects and want to test longer?

Get a free consultation from our web scraping experts.

FAQs about SERP Data Scraping

Search engine result page (SERP) data is the information a search engine returns after the user submits a query.

When using ScraperAPI to scrape Google SERPs, it’ll turn every element in the search result page into structured JSON data, allowing you to collect, store, and manipulate the elements within a search result like “people also ask” and “related searches” box, ranking data, and etc.

SERP data scraping involves extracting publicly available information from search engine results pages (SERPs). This data supports your SEO effort in the following areas: 

  • Keyword research and monitoring: track keyword rankings, identify new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Product description analysis: see how competitors describe their products, helping you refine your own descriptions.
  • Content collection: gather relevant content for your niche to improve your content strategy.

Brand sentiment analysis: see how you’re portrayed online and what people say about your products.

The simplest way to scrape SERP data is using DataPipeline:

  • Open your ScraperAPI dashboard and create a new project
  • Click on the “Google Search” template
  • Paste all your target keywords on DataPipeline
  • Specify any requirements like geotargeting or scheduling
  • Run your project. You’ll be able to download your data in a couple of minutes

You can collect data from 10,000 URLs per project, and you can create as many projects as you need. For a more advanced tutorial, check our guide on scraping keyword rankings with Python.

ScraperAPI is one of the best data scraping tools for SERP data collection. Here’s why:

  • Structured JSON from Google: scrape web data directly from Google Search endpoints, including Google Shopping, News, and Jobs, and receive it in a clean JSON format.
  • Automated scraping: track your targeted keywords, set a scraping schedule, and let ScraperAPI’s DataPipeline handle the continuous data flow from your web scraping activities. 
  • Localized SERP data: see SERPs exactly as local users do. Our global proxy network (in 50+ countries) ensures you access localized data, regardless of your location.

Effortless scraping: forget about blocked IPs, CAPTCHAs, and complex parsing. ScraperAPI handles it all, allowing you to focus on the insights you gain.

SERP data collection is dedicated to SEO professionals and businesses (e.g., keyword tracking software) to enhance their SEO database performance. For instance, ScraperAPI’s SERP API is used by some popular SEO software like and Seobility.

Yes, it is legal to scrape Google search results because they are publicly available. Of course, that doesn’t mean Google wants you to scrape them, so you’ll have to use a tool like ScraperAPI to bypass its anti-scraping mechanisms and keep your IP safe.

Try ScraperAPI for free with 5,000 API credits.

Yes, ScraperAPI offers a 7-day free trial with 5,000 API credits. This allows you to test ScraperAPI’s all-in-one web scraping solution, which includes advanced proxy management, Google endpoint APIs (Google Search, shopping, news, etc.), and a built-in scheduler.

When you’re ready to commit, upgrade to our 100,000 API credit plan for $49 per month or get a higher plan. Head over to the ScraperAPI pricing page to explore more.